Book Title: Foundations of Biomedical Science: Quantitative Literacy: Theory and Problems

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Book Description: Foundations of Biomedical Science: Quantitative Literacy Theory and Problems is designed to help students develop the fundamental mathematical and quantitative literacy required to navigate and interpret evidence-based Biomedical data. This will provide students with the skills and confidence to habitually question any quantitative data they come across and to use these skills to make informed judgements regarding their veracity.
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Book Description
Modern Biomedicine is evidence-based, which means it is underpinned by quantitative data. Recent technological advances have led to Biomedicine (and Biology in general) becoming more “data driven” and hence more quantitative and predictive. Hence, now more than ever, an understanding of quantitative data is crucial for students of Biomedical disciplines.
Foundations of Biomedical Science: Quantitative Literacy Theory and Problems is designed to help students develop the fundamental mathematical and quantitative literacy required to navigate and interpret evidence-based Biomedical data. This ebook is divided into short chapters, each containing a concise summary of:
- theory provided through a Biomedical context
- authentic worked examples, problem sets and solutions
- further extension and application of the theory.
These chapters build to provide students with the skills and confidence to habitually question any quantitative data they come across and to use these skills to make informed judgements regarding their veracity.
Foundations of Biomedical Science: Quantitative Literacy: Theory and Problems Copyright © 2023 by La Trobe University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Biology, life sciences